Beachside apartment

Location: Miramar, Goa
Year: 2023
Project Type: Holiday home

Studio Arcgot, headquartered in Goa, is a renowned firm specializing in interior architecture and landscape design, with operations extending to multiple states and major cities. Studio Arcgot excels in both designing and executing projects, offering comprehensive turnkey solutions to their clients.

The firm's expertise spans various sectors, including residential, commercial, hospitality, and recreational properties. Whether it's designing luxurious beachfront villas, vibrant urban cafes, elegant corporate offices, or tranquil garden landscapes, Studio Arcgot is committed to delivering exceptional results tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each client.

Studio Arcgot has earned a reputation for excellence, earning the trust and admiration of clients and industry peers alike. Committed to pushing boundaries and exceeding expectations, Studio Arcgot continues to be at the forefront of innovation and design, shaping the built environment and leaving a lasting impression wherever they go.

This apartment is a rental property for holidays and getaways. The objective mainly revolves around a family friendly, modern and yet a contemptory coastal theme and colorful .


